IV & IM Nutrients Menu in Sarasota FL

The team at Age Reversal Technology Center has a combined 50+ years of experience using IV nutrients in Sarasota FL. They can tailor your treatment to include specific nutrients that are lacking in your diet or to address specific health concerns. This means that you can get exactly what you need to feel your best. Check out our IV Menu to choose the best treatment for you.

Our Menu in Sarasota FL

Choose from the options below to learn more about the IV treatments we offer.

Myers Cocktail

We have three levels of Myers Cocktails from our Mini Myers (which is actually significantly more potent than most Myers formulations) to our Myers Plus (DOUBLE the strength of the Mini plus a few additional vital nutrients), to our Myers Maximus (this is about as strong a formulation as anything else out there).

  • The Mini Myers $120 contains Vitamin complex including B complex, B1and3@100mg, B2,5,6@2mg each, Biotin* 500mcg, B12 2mg of hydroxocobalamin IM, vit C 2500mg Minerals including Magnesium Chloride 1080mg, Calcium Gluconate 300mg, Zinc 1mg, Manganese 20mcg, Copper 0.2mg; Amino Acid Blend* glutamine 30mg, ornithine 50mg, arginine 100mg, lysine 50mg, citrulline 50mg. *Note that these items are not included in most Myer’s Cocktail formulations. Additionally, we add an IM injection of Folic acid (1mg) and B12 (2mg) as they are more effective via IM injection than IV. This is included with ALL of our IVs.
  • The Myers Plus $190 contains a double strength version of the Mini Myers Plus 50mg Taurine andamp; 200mg Glutathione, and 0.2mg Selenium.
  • The Myers Maximum $235 contains the ultimate Myers formulation by Dr. Max. Myer’s Maximus compared to Myer’s Plus: 2.5x Vit C = 12,500mg; +400mg MgCl (1400mg total) andamp; +100mg Ca Gluconate (400mg total), 2x aminos, Taurine (100mg) and Glutathione (400mg).

There is no single 'Myers cocktail' formulation as Dr. Myers formulation was never actually found after his death; many have approximated what it likely was and modified it over the years. Ours starts out with a Mini Myers that is already more potent than what most centers use; then we add even more to create the Myers Plus and Myers Maximus formulations. They all deliver an overall wellness boost by providing a range of vitamins and minerals; we also include amino acids in all of them. The "cocktails" are indicated to help those dealing with things like chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Depression, muscle spasm, Asthma, hives, Congestive Heart Failure, Angina (chest pain), infections, and Senile Dementia. It improves immune function, adrenal (stress) function, energy, and mood. *A quick note to satisfy ‘big brother.’ No claims can be made, and these IVs are not intended to prevent, treat, or cure any ‘disease’ condition.

'Myers' aka Myer's and/or Myers,' refers to Dr. John Myers who was one of the top pioneers in using IV nutrients over a few decades of practice. He was reported to have helped thousands of patients with a wide range of problems using his infusion of vitamins and minerals. He recognized early on that most patients had multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies and that many were not able to get the vital nutrients that they needed from their diets or basic oral supplements. He instituted a regimen of IV nutrients, later to be referred to as 'Myer’s Cocktail,' for his patients. He developed a large following of patients who swore by and came back regularly for his cocktails.


Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma, and more. As with most health and wellness interventions, it is best done as a series of 6 or more infusions.

  • Magnesium Chloride: Magnesium chloride can help improve immunity, decrease the risk of developing migraines, improve relaxation, and more.
  • B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins may help keep skin and blood cells healthy as well as convert nutrients into energy.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifier, and more that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen, and boost immunity.
  • Hydroxy B12: Hydroxy B12 is designed to help treat low levels of Vitamin B12, as well as promote healthy brain function, blood, cells, and nerves.
  • Calcium Gluconate: Calcium gluconate helps promote healthy bones and the normal functioning of muscles, nerves, and cells in the body.


  • Helps alleviate stress.
  • Improves immunity.
  • Restores balance.
  • Provides hydration.
  • Helps reduce migraines.
  • Reduces chronic pain.

Myers Cocktails should be considered the foundation of any IV Nutritional Regimen. We find it both interesting and perplexing that many IV centers eliminate many of the vital components of a good Myers Cocktail from most of the 'Specialized' formations, it just doesn’t make any sense if you understand how nutrition works.

Most of the formulations that IV centers use are made by compounding pharmacies and clearly, most pharmacists have very little if any training in nutrition. We use our Myers Plus, which is a "beefed-up" version of Myers Cocktail, as our foundation to build virtually all of our other formulations. That’s what you get when you deal with doctors that have been doing nutritional work for almost 50 years!

Alleviate Pain, Headaches, Cramps, PMS:

Pain, whether it be due to an injury, muscle cramps, PMS, nerve pain, or a headache, can be debilitating. At the very least is can sap your energy and dramatically reduce your quality of life. This formulation was created to provide a high amount of the nutrients that are known to help reduce pain, cramps, headaches, etc. Depending on the severity and chronicity of your pain, several sessions over several weeks may be necessary. In the case of chronic musculoskeletal pain associated with damaged tissue, it is very important to identify what structures are damaged and to repair the underlying cause of your pain whenever possible. That’s something that we can definitely help with as well.

  • $185 with Mini Myers
  • $265 with Myers Plus
  • Alleviate contains everything in the Mini Myers or Myer’s Plus with added Vit C to 17,500mg total, Magnesium to 1800mg total, Calcium to 500mg total, Double the Amino Acids, Taurine (100mg) andamp; Glutathione (400mg).

Age Reversal / Anti-Aging IV:

Many people have begun to realize that Age is more about ‘Biological Age’ than ‘Chronological Age.’ One has to do with your actual HEALTH, while the other is simply how long you’ve been on the planet. When dealing with this topic, make sure you are working with someone that has the appropriate training, background, and looks and performs at a significantly younger level than their ‘chronological years’ might indicate.

Rejuvenate from the inside out by providing a high potency formulation of all of the key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients that have been shown to be vital for health and regeneration. Rejuvenate your love life, skin, and body with vitamins and nutrients that enhance libido, performance in the boudoir, and skin quality.

Aesthetic treatments can successfully treat a line here or a wrinkle there, but most fail to address cell-deep damage caused by the aging process. Utilizing the power of antioxidants including glutathione – described as the mother of all antioxidants – our Anti-Aging IV can help in the fight against free radicals that cause many of the signs of aging.

Other key ingredients in this drip include essential Vitamin C and the powerful B vitamins, necessary for collagen production which gives skin its elasticity. The B vitamins also support and repair our muscles when they are overused or become damaged and also helps the muscles flush out lactic acid. If you suffer muscular aches and pains, you may be deficient in B vitamins. Age Reversal / Anti-Aging IV [complete formulation and price] Many people have begun to realize that Age is more about ‘Biological Age’ than ‘Chronological Age.’ One has to do with your actual HEALTH, while the other is simply how long you’ve been on the planet. When dealing with this topic, make sure you are working with someone that has the appropriate training, background, and looks and performs at a significantly younger level than their ‘chronological years’ might indicate.

Age Reversal / Anti-Aging with Systemic / IV Stem Cells

For those who want to take the Age Reversal process to the NEXT LEVEL we now offer Whole Body (Systemic/IV) Stem Cell procedures. This is where a specially filtered and processed Nano Matrix Stem Cell product is used either with or without added Exosomes. Exosomes are tiny vesicles packed with growth factors, nutrients, and other biological response modifiers that help to reduce inflammation and enhance the healing and regenerative response more aggressively.

  • Silver Level: $2,900 for 1 ml of Nano-Filtered Stem Cell Concentrate from Umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly.
    • add Exosomes @ $1,200 for 60 Billion; $2200 (120B); $3,000 (180B).
  • Gold Level: $4,900 for 2 ml of Nano-Filtered Stem Cell Concentrate from Umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly.
    • add Exosomes @ $1,200 for 60 Billion; $2200 (120B); $3,000 (180B).
  • Platinum Level: $7,900 for 2ml of Nano-Filtered Stem Cell Concentrate from Umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly and 180 Billion Exosomes!

As with any therapy, these are best when repeated based on one’s situation and clinical response. *All levels include our Age Reversal / Anti-Aging IV and IM protocol along with pre andamp; post EWOT Oxygen therapy.

Athlete’s Recovery and Performance Booster ($235):

(Also ideal for anyone healing from an injury or a chronic, degenerative condition) Athletic Booster compared to Myer’s Plus. Athletic Boost has 3 times the B-complex, 2 times the B12, 3 times the minerals, and 2 times the amino acids of our Myers Plus.

Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability; recommended as a series of six treatments of premium-quality compounds that can help promote improved performance and overall wellness.


  • B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins may help keep skin and blood cells healthy as well as convert nutrients into energy.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen, and boost immunity.
  • Amino Blend: This blend of essential amino acids can help enhance athletic performance, decrease muscle loss, burn fat more quickly, and improve metabolism speed.
  • Mineral Blend: This essential blend of minerals helps reverse the effects of dehydration, remove toxins, and replenish vitamins.


  • Decreases recovery time.
  • Enhances athletic performance.
  • Replenishes essential nutrients.
  • Reduces inflammation.

Beauty Boost ($245):

All of the key nutrients needed to support the regeneration of Skin, Hair andamp; Nails. Beauty Boost contains everything in the Myers Plus in addition to 2 times the Biotin and 2 times the Glutathione. Glutathione levels decrease with age and are therefore widely used as a general anti-aging treatment. Glutathione is also used commonly to decrease pigmentation or as a stand-alone skin-lightening therapy. In this context, it is done 2-3 times a week for a few months.

The color of your skin occurs from the production of melanin and greater melanin production means darker skin. The antioxidants used in our IV Drip can inhibit the production of melanin. On top of this, they also contribute to speeding up cell turnover, replacing the damaged cells that give a dark appearance to the skin with new cells. This IV can help with dark spots from acne scarring, sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, melasma, uneven skin tone, freckles, skin blemishes, aging skin, and liver spots.

Designed to help bring out the radiance and a natural glow, recommended as a series of six treatments of premium-quality compounds believed to fortify hair, skin, and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.


  • B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins may help keep skin and blood cells healthy as well as convert nutrients into energy.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen, and boost immunity.
  • Biotin: Biotin is one of the B vitamins (a.k.a. Vitamin B7), which can fortify keratin infrastructure and may help promote healthy hair, skin, and nails.


  • Fortifies hair, skin, and nails.
  • Reduces wrinkles.

Brain Boost ($225):

  • ($2,025 for a package of 10)

The Brain has the highest energy needs of any organ. This IV provides high levels of all the key nutrients needed for optimum brain function andamp; repair. Brain Boost contains everything in our Myer’s Plus with the addition of 3 times the Vitamin B6, 100mg of Taurine, and 300mg of Glutathione.

Do you have difficulty focusing? Are you becoming forgetful? Do you have brain fog? Our Brain Boost IV will help detoxify and repair your brain on a cellular level, boost your cognitive function, and provide the mental stamina you need to blast through the week.

Improve mental clarity, focus, and stamina for a long work week, project, or exam. It also may serve as a ‘preventative measure’ for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Dementia although no claims can be, or are being made.

The Brain Boost IV may help improve overall brain function, increase memory recall, and improve certain aspects of learning. In addition to everything in our Myers Plus, Brain Boost has higher levels of the following.


  • Pyridoxine (B6): may provide some protection against memory loss and help with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Taurine: helps protect against environmental toxins, reduces brain inflammation, and stimulates neuron formation.
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid: This is a powerful antioxidant that helps your body produce more glutathione, which is important in reducing oxidative stress and fighting certain neurological diseases.


  • Improve overall brain function.
  • Increase memory recall.
  • Enhance certain aspects of learning.

Energy Boost:

  • $155 for Mini or $255 for the Plus
  • $1,395-2,295, respectively for a package of 10 sessions

Myer’s cocktails all help with energy, this formulation can be done with either a Mini Myers or a Myers Plus as the base. With a Mini Myers we will add higher amounts of specific nutrients including NAD+, Glutathione, andamp; Taurine to boost energy even more. If done with a Myers Plus we add more NAD+, the others are already included. An IM injection of Folic acid and B12 is also included.

Looking for a quick pick-me-up? Infuse wellness by increasing your energy. Perfect for those feeling tired and overwhelmed, or those frequently needing an afternoon nap. Energy IV Drip will help you and your adrenal glands get back on track.

Our high-octane drip is charged with all the vitamins and minerals you need to beat the energy drain, including essential B vitamins and magnesium that are required by the body for the production and use of energy. It optimizes your physical performance and neurological functions and keeps you feeling energized and refreshed.

Contents: Designed to help kickstart your metabolism and feel more energized, recommended as a series of 6-10 treatments of premium-quality compounds believed to help burn fat, boost metabolism, and provide the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.

  • B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins may help keep skin and blood cells healthy as well as convert nutrients into energy.
  • Amino Blend: This blend of essential amino acids can help enhance athletic performance, decrease muscle loss, burn fat more quickly, and improve metabolism speed.


  • Helps burn fat.
  • Restores energy.
  • Boosts your metabolism.
  • Improves performance.

Fat Burning Booster ($220):

  • $1,980 for a package of 10 sessions

Myers cocktails all help with diverse metabolic processes including Fat Burning; this formulation adds more of specific nutrients to crank up fat burning pathways.

The perfect combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as methionine, Inositol, choline and B12 for those looking to boost fat-burning power on a journey to slim down and power up. Hydrate and restore balance while optimizing nutrient levels to help you burn more fat, increase metabolism, build lean muscle andamp; curb appetite. With increased energy and stamina, you can really accelerate your weight loss goals!

Detox A with NAD+ ($400 to $800):

  • $450 for 250mg of NAD+
  • $650 for 500mg
  • $850 for 1,000mg
  • Packages of 10 for $4,150, $5,850, and $7,650 respectively.

NAD+ is a vital component of cellular energy production inside the mitochondria (which provide 95% of the body’s energy). Taking high doses of NAD+, particularly via IV or IM administrations can radically enhance cellular energy which can in turn help with a wide range of things including but not limited to assisting with any or all of the following:

  • Assist Recovery from Addictions/Substance abuse (alcohol, nicotine, opioids, etc.)
  • General Health Optimization andamp; Slowing of the Aging Process.
  • Restoring and/or Improving Neurological and Brain function.
  • Restoring muscle strength and function.
  • Boosting a Weight-loss regimen.
  • Reducing Fatigue and improving overall energy levels.
  • Improve Mental clarity and clear brain fog.
  • Reduce Anxiety and Depression.
  • Improve Athletic performance.

You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to experience the benefits of NAD IV or IM therapy. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.

As we age, our cells slow down and die. You can turn the clock back with our NAD+ IV therapy.

Our NAD+ IV Treatments range from 250 mg to 1,000mg of NAD+ in a sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body, and ensures 100% absorption typically infused over 2-4 hours.

Included, is our Mini Myers IV push before or after the NAD IV drip.

NAD is a coenzyme naturally produced by the body that is associated with anti-aging. The level of NAD in the body declines with age, but supplementation can improve a wide variety of changes including restoring muscle function and athletic performance, improving brain regeneration, restoring energy levels, and boosting mood.

NAD+ provides a wide range of support and benefits like improved health, auto-immune disease mitigation, anti-aging, enhanced energy, and much more. Recommended as a series of sessions depending on the situation. Infusion time ranges from 3-5 hours.


  • Anti-aging Benefits.
  • May Help Safeguard Brain Cells.
  • May Help Reverses Cell Damage.
  • Benefits Metabolism and Digestion.
  • Aids Mental Clarity

Detox B with Phosphatidylcholine:

  • Coming Soon (cost to be determined)
  • Cell Membrane repair andamp; restoration protocol for those suffering with ‘Brain of Fire’ symptoms associated with post Toxin, Mold, Lyme, and Viral Encephalopathy (Brain Inflammation).
  • Contains Essentiale N (phosphatidylcholine), sodium phenylbutyrate, leucovorin, levoleucovorin, glutathione, and methylcobalamin.

Cell membranes throughout the body are crucial to proper cell function. Numerous things including various toxins, nutritional imbalances, and microbial insults have been associated with altering and damaging the proper balance and type of fatty acids that comprise the cell membrane. Brain cell membranes are especially sensitive to these alterations and can lead to severe and persistent symptoms since the brain is composed of 60% lipids.

IV therapy using Phosphatidylcholine and several additional substances, along with an appropriate oral regimen, has been demonstrated to provide major benefits and improvements in those suffering from brain-related inflammation.

Phospholipids comprise the Lion’s share of the lipids (fats) that compose our cell membranes. They perform many vital functions. The goal of this protocol called the PK Protocol, is to help restore and rebalance the lipids that compose the cell membranes throughout the body. Damage to the membranes of nerve cells, including the brain, is responsible for many severe and often debilitating neurological symptoms.

Detox C with Disodium EDTA:

  • $145 - $200
  • $1,350 - $1,900 for a package of 10
  • Heavy Metals such as Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, etc. are extremely toxic and have been spewed into our air, water, and soil for many decades leading to elevated levels in our bodies. Our bodies have very limited capacities to eliminate such toxins, they need help.

This innovative treatment has shown promising results and is becoming increasingly popular among individuals seeking alternative options to both overcome chronic health challenges and optimize their health and longevity.

Detox D with NAC Chelation:

  • $200 - $375
  • $1,800 - $3,375 for a package of 10
  • Certain Heavy Metals such as Cobalt, Copper, andamp; Chromium (most commonly associated with artificial joints) require different chelating agents for best results. NAC is also used for Acetaminophen overdose and increases Glutathione levels. Best as a loading dose followed by a 3-4hr. Infusion.
  • $300 with loading dose
  • $200 without loading dose
  • Combined with Myer’s Plus $375 with loading dose
  • $275 with Myer’s Plus without loading dose
  • Weekly or 2 times a week IM of Glutathione and oral NAC daily at 1200mg.

Intravenous N-acetylcysteine (IV NAC) is gaining recognition as an effective therapy for removing toxic levels of heavy metals including copper, cadmium, and chromium, as well as lead, mercury, and arsenic from the body. This innovative treatment approach holds promise in addressing heavy metal toxicity and its associated health risks.

Immune Booster ($240):

  • $2,160 for a package of 10
  • Myer’s cocktails all boost Immune system function. Here we add higher amounts of specific nutrients to enhance immune system efficiency even more.
  • Immune Booster contains everything in our Myers Plus with Vitamin C increased to 30,000mg, Zinc to 11mg, and an IM injection of Folic acid andamp; B12, and Vit. D3.

Designed to help your immune system, prevent illnesses, and make you feel better faster after getting sick; it can help improve immunity and promote optimal wellness.


  • B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins may help keep skin and blood cells healthy as well as convert nutrients into energy.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen, and boost immunity.
  • Zinc Sulfate: Zinc Sulfate is used to help reduce the duration of illnesses, prevent infection, and speed up the body’s healing process.


  • Protects against infection.
  • Improves healing time.
  • Builds up your immune system.
  • Reduces the duration of illnesses.

Our Immunity Drip builds you up from the inside out. This is very powerful support during the cold and flu season and can help fend off a cold, flu, or infection if you get an IV as soon as you feel you’re getting ill. It improves both immune health and mental clarity. It includes a high dosage of Vitamin C, B vitamins, and Zinc combined with nutrients that help keep common illnesses at bay and accelerates recovery.

Your immune system is on constant guard to protect against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. A properly functioning immune system keeps you free of not only serious infections but also cancer, lupus, and rheumatoid, in which the immune system attacks healthy cells. Unfortunately, the older we get, the harder we are hit by these immune-related conditions.

Alleviate symptoms and decrease the severity and duration of your illness from the common cold, flu, or food- poisoning. Our super-supportive IV drip therapy is perfect for those fighting a bug or wanting to prevent one.

This is the perfect drip for the busy businessperson or the continental world traveler. Either prior to departure or after arrival, if you are looking to beat jet lag, feel refreshed, and get you back in the groove of things, this IV drip is a great choice.

Oxidative stress caused by a build-up of free radicals can seriously overwhelm our immune system which is why we’ve included powerful antioxidants, such as glutathione, cysteine, and arginine, which wage war on free radicals. We all know that Vitamin C is the king of the immunity booster nutrients, but it’s less well-known the importance that zinc plays in maintaining a healthy immune system. It’s absolutely key – and included in this drip to help you.

Sun-Radiation-Hydration Recovery Booster ($220-$250):

  • 3 pack for $600-$700
  • A bad sunburn can seriously put a damper on even the best vacation or social event. Damage to your skin can take years to repair. Get back to enjoying your family andamp; friends ASAP by speeding up your body’s natural repair processes with a high potency IV infusion.
  • Our Myers Plus or Myers Maximus contains all of the vital nutrients you need to maximize recovery. Added IM shot of Vit D andamp; B12.

Too much time in the sun can be a major stress to your system. Whether it be a day at the beach, or the lake, a hike in the mountains, playing pickleball or volleyball, a summer BBQ, or a day boating, your skin and entire body can take quite a beating from a serious sunburn and dehydration.

The pain and discomfort of a sunburn can put a damper on your day, maybe even a few days, but it doesn’t have to. You can speed up the recovery process dramatically with aggressive nutritional intervention including our specialized IV drip therapy.

Sunburn happens when UV rays from the sun that exceed your current level of adaptation damage the skin. Free radicals are created in the body from UV radiation, which is the primary reason why tissue damage and skin damage occur.

Free radicals are simply the result of oxidative stress that causes the atoms to lose an electron making them unstable. This creates an electrical imbalance and leads to a cascade of stealing an electron from another atom which creates another free radical and so on. Free radicals cause a chain reaction because they seek to give or remove electrons, causing atoms around them to become unstable. Some free radicals in the body are natural, but too many can result from many different types of stress including high levels of UV light exposure, which can impact cell membranes, proteins, and DNA, causing damage.

During a sunburn, your body experiences:

  • Dehydration: We all experience loss of moisture through sweat, breathing, and other natural body processes. Often, when we are playing in the sun longer than we are used to, we may not be replacing fluids quickly enough to account for the accelerated loss of fluids.
  • Creation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals: As mentioned above, UVB and UVA rays from the sun cause the production of higher levels of Free Radicals, also called reactive oxygen species. 
  • Inflammation: As more free radicals are produced the body releases inflammatory markers and blood vessels dilate. Blood flow increases and immune cells move to the skin. This process helps to address the damage being done, but it also causes inflammation, redness, and pain associated with sunburn in addition to contributing to substantial dehydration.
  • Pain: As the body releases inflammatory markers, they enhance heat sensitivity. As the body tries to repair the damage of UV rays, nerve fibers can be activated, which causes a pain response.
    Skin damage: Some skin tissue will eventually peel if it cannot be repaired quickly enough. Severe sunburns can also cause blistering and long-term damage, including an increased risk of skin cancer.

Ingredients in our Sun / Radiation / Hydration Recovery Booster

  • Significantly high doses of Vitamin C,
  • B vitamins,
  • key minerals,
  • amino acids,
  • and glutathione.
  • Toradol can be added for additional pain relief if desired.

How IV Therapy can help Sunburn:

Our Sunburn-Radiation-Hydration Recovery Booster IV Therapy is designed to deliver a wide array of nutrients (and medications if desired) directly into your bloodstream. You’ll enjoy a range of benefits.

  • Hydration: Our IV Therapy includes sterile saline solution made from water, sodium chloride, and electrolytes. Just like the IV fluid you get in a hospital, it is designed to replace fluids in your body quickly.

Antioxidant Neutralization of Free Radicals:

Several ingredients target the effects of free radicals. These include:

  • Vitamin C: This antioxidant vitamin is known for its immune-boosting qualities. It may be able to reduce irritation and inflammation in skin tissue.
  • Glutathione: Glutathione is a molecule that can reduce your body’s ability to create inflammatory molecules, helping to alleviate pain.
  • B-vitamins: B vitamins can boost white blood cell production, which can improve overall feelings of well-being.

Anti-Inflammatory Medication:

We can enhance your IV therapy with medication to treat inflammatory responses that cause pain. The IV Therapy also contains vitamins and nutrients which help target inflammation, a key issue with sunburns.

In addition to vitamin C and glutathione, this treatment includes vitamin D. This vitamin can rein in the body’s inflammatory processes and defenses. Studies have shown that when test subjects took a high dose of vitamin D an hour after sun exposure, they suffered less inflammation and redness when compared with study participants not taking the vitamin.

Pain Relief:

Anti-inflammatory medicines target the root of your pain — the reaction your body has to damage. Our IV Therapy also contains magnesium, which is vital to over 500 different enzymatic reactions including helping to reduce pain.

Skin Repair:

Our Sunburn IV Therapies contain vitamins and nutrients to help address the tissue and skin damage a sunburn can cause, including

  • Vitamin C: This multitasking vitamin can neutralize free radicals. It’s a trusted ingredient in many skin care regimens for its antioxidant properties. Zinc: Zinc is a micronutrient that aids in cell membrane repair and cell growth as well as immune system health. It has been studied as an important component of the skin’s healing process, particularly in relation to burns.
  • Vitamin D: Some studies have shown that vitamin D can activate skin repair genes.

High Dose Vitamin C ($300-$750):

  • 10 packs at 10% discount
  • We start with a Myers Plus and adjust the level of Vit. C added as needed. All of the additional nutrients play vital roles in supporting the body’s use of high dose vit. C.
  •  The total amount of Vit. C will vary based on numerous factors and will typically be increased in increments of 25 grams which will add $150 to the total cost of the IV, therefore:
    • 50 grams = $300 + 150 = $450
    • 75 g = $450 + 150 = $650
    • 100 g = $600 + 150 = $750

Several of our formulations contain relatively high amounts of Vitamin C for its overall nutritional, detoxification, and antioxidant benefits. There are also times when high doses of IV Vitamin C can be used as a pro-oxidant rather than its better-known role as a major antioxidant. The supportive information is broken up into several sections below due to the controversial nature of high-dose vitamin C over the past several decades.

Vitamin C is a booster for the immune system and has a number of benefits; these include working as an anti-microbial and antioxidant. Vitamin C is also thought to raise neurotransmitter levels in the brain. There are limits to the amount of Vitamin C that can be taken orally, which is where IV therapy steps in. Infused intravenously directly into the bloodstream, it is possible to give Vitamin C in much higher doses than can be tolerated orally.

High-dose Vitamin C is used for fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune dysfunction, and pre and post-mercury amalgam removals. Higher amounts of intravenous vitamin C can be especially effective in fighting viruses and cancer cells while being completely safe for all normal cells. It is because of this characteristic that IV vitamin C is particularly useful in knocking out the viruses of the common cold, flu, and sore throat. Patients often start feeling better within hours of administration.

Vitamin C IV is also used for Cancer Co-Management and has been used by many progressive physicians as one of the mainstays of alternative therapy for decades. Due to the increasing censorship by Big Brother, we cannot make any public statements regarding the use of high-dose IV vitamin C for cancer or any medical condition for that matter since it is not a ‘drug’ and is not specifically approved for any medical condition other than scurvy. This is only something that we can discuss under the protection of our Private Membership Association with other members. Sadly, freedom of speech has become a thing of the past, especially with regard to the field of medicine. However, we see many patients that are undergoing medical treatment that is highly taxing on nutrient levels of the body and they are keen to address any deficiencies on their road back to health.

People that have G6PD deficiency, also known as Favism, should not receive IV high doses of Vitamin C because it can cause hemolytic anemia. Favism most commonly affects people of African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent. Those with G6PD deficiency will typically be aware of this and it is your responsibility to inform us of any such metabolic inborn errors of metabolism that you might have.