Body Re-Composition/Sculpting in Sarasota FL

Our skin and hair are the first things that others see when they look at us. They are also often the first thing we see upon rising and before going to bed when we look in the mirror. Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? Age Reversal Technology Center offers body sculpting services in Sarasota FL to help you look and feel your best.
TeslaSculpt in Sarasota FL
The TeslaSculpt uses High Intensity Electromagnetic Pulses to produce supraphysiologic contractions at the rate of 36,000 per 30-minute session. That provides major stimulation to the muscles involved thereby stressing them which mobilizes fat, helping to ‘spot reduce’ and simultaneously stimulates muscle hypertrophy (building strength).
There are several similar devices out there that are similar to the TeslaSculpt. The Plastic Surgeons and Med Spas that have them tend to charge outrageous amounts of money for them because they are really expensive devices. In general, they overpromise and under deliver for a very pricey package of treatments.
Our TeslaSculpt produces similar results, and we price it right (sanely). We know that it works well; we also know that it isn’t magic. It should be used in conjunction with a solid exercise and diet regimen for the best results. Also, someone needs to be within about 10 lbs. of their ideal body weight to produce noticeable improvement.
TeslaSculpt: It isn’t magic, but it does work!
The bottom line is that devices like this can definitely support you in achieving the physique you want, but you still have to do the work of following a sound diet and exercise plan.
You can’t build muscle without enough quality protein and all of the other vital nutrients that your body needs to build muscle. You can’t really burn fat without a caloric deficit. And even though this device can help to spot reduce, that doesn’t mean it won’t come back to that same area if you don’t change the factors that put the extra fat there in the first place.
That may entail balancing your hormone levels or detoxifying your body. Hormones largely determine where your body will store fat. Many toxins are fat soluble, so the body stores them in fat tissue.
ARTC is more about helping you reach your health, performance, and appearance goals than just providing quick, short-lived fixes. The TeslaSculpt is best used as part of our Body Sculpting Program which also includes several additional components, coaching, and monitoring.
As a standalone service, you can pay as you go for just $120 a session or buy a package of 10 sessions for $1,000 or a package of 20 for $1,750. We also have monthly plans once you finish an initial package that is even more cost-effective. Many offices with a comparable machine (the EmSculpt® for example) charge up to $4,000 for just 4-6 sessions. We just think that is WRONG.

Less Fat... More Muscle!
- TeslaSculpt is a second generation non-invasive body contouring procedure that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building in a combined 30-minute session.
- TeslaSculpt can be applied over the abdomen, buttocks, arms and calves.
- TeslaSculpt and the embedded high-intensity magnetic field (HIFEM) technology have been clinically tested for safety and efficacy through several clinical studies. Moreover, 30 scientific publications make HIFEM the most intensively researched body contouring technology since its introduction in 2018.

Non-essential fat provides greater resistance to athletic motion thereby forcing one to increase the muscle force of contractions per given workout. This takes time, energy, and a lot of patience unless one discovers High Intensity Electromagnetic Pulsed Therapy from a device like TeslaSculpt.
TESLASCULPT is based on the application of High Intensity Electro-Magnetic Frequencies that vary to maximally contract and confuse the muscles involved. These strong, varying contractions are needed to stimulate both muscles to adapt (grow and get stronger) while simultaneously burning fat.
Due to the RAPID, Supra-Physiologic contractions stimulated by the device, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm-up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e., fat cells that break down and are slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 25-30% reduction in subcutaneous fat.
Bypassing the brain’s limitations to initiate muscle contractions of such high intensity at such a rapid rate, HIFEM+ energy contracts the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workouts. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. Clinical studies showed on average a 20-25% growth in muscle volume.
The following before and after images are typically after 8 to 10 sessions. As you can see, the results are very significant but not miraculous. The device cannot overcome a poor lifestyle, bad diet, lack of proper exercise, or 20 plus pounds of excess body fat. It can do wonders for those that are already taking good care of themselves but can’t quite get that last 5-10 percent of the ‘finishing touches’ to their physique that they are after.
The TeslaSculpt and similar devices are great ‘tools’ that should be combined with a comprehensive program of proper eating, detoxification, calorie reduction, exercise and activity, sleep and rest, and for some additional support using peptides, and/or hormone balancing.
Before and After TeslaSculpt

Spot Lipolysis Treatment
There are some areas that just don’t respond to exercise and other lifestyle modifications. However, there are still ways to encourage the body to give up those unwanted fat stores. Under the chin / double chins are a great example of such areas. Clearly, there’s not much that can be done from an exercise perspective, these types of fat deposits require direct intervention such as Kybella® or a similar fat emulsifying substance.

Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid, a metabolic byproduct of intestinal bacteria (that make up our microbiome). It is available as a generic medication and also sold under the brand name Kybella® among others. It has been used in various fields of human medicine for some time. It is a fat emulsifier which would be expected for bile acid.
When combined with phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholic acid has been used via a Mesotherapy* type of injection process to produce lipolysis. It has also been used as an alternative to surgical excision of lipomas. When injected into areas of stubborn fat deposits, it emulsifies (dissolves/destroys) fat cells which are then gradually broken down by and metabolized by the body, thereby reducing or eliminating the fat pocket.
*Note that Dr. Max was the 3rd US physician ever to be trained in Mesotherapy in Paris way back in 1995. He uses a mesotherapy injection approach in several of the aesthetic procedures done at ARTC.
Kybella® is FDA approved to treat double chins. As with any approved substance, off-label use is also permitted. That means that deoxycholic acid can be used to help spot and reduce fat deposits! That is one of the ways that we can help to target and reduce unwanted fat deposits. *Note that no claims can be made for the off-label use of any approved substance, we are simply providing information for educational purposes.
There’s more to deoxycholic acid than just fat emulsification.
Interestingly, per Wikipedia:
“Deoxycholic acid binds and activates the membrane enzyme NAPE-PLD, which catalyzes the release of the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and other N-acyl ethanolamines. These bioactive signaling molecules play important roles in several physiological pathways including stress and pain response, appetite, and lifespan.
Some publications point towards the effect of deoxycholic acid as an immunostimulant of the innate immune system, activating its main actors, the macrophages. According to these publications, a sufficient amount of deoxycholic acid in the human body would correspond with a good immune reaction of the non-specific immune system. Clinical studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s confirm the expectation that deoxycholic acid is involved in the natural healing processes of local inflammations, [23][24] different types of herpes, and possibly cancer."
This is included to help demonstrate that there does not appear to be any downside or serious side effects, rather, the potential side effects are quite beneficial.
The cost for this treatment will depend on how much fat is in the desired treatment area, age, etc. The number of treatments varies from patient to patient. We will recommend how many treatment sessions you will need based on the amount and distribution of your subcutaneous fat, your diet and lifestyle, as well as your personal cosmetic goals. Each treatment is injected approximately one month apart, and the treatment time is 15-30 minutes.
The TeslaSculpt and Spot Lipolysis Injection Therapy are wonderful tools but are just part of a comprehensive Body Re-Composition program. Contact us to schedule either a free ‘Discovery call,’ or an initial consultation to learn more.

10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
Age Reversal Technology Center
6968 Professional Pkwy E
Sarasota, FL 34240