ARTC-Rivera Brain-Body Institute in Sarasota FL

Introducing the ARTC-Rivera Brain-Body Institute: this will be called the ARTC-Rivera Brain-Body Restoration Program in conjunction with Miguel Rivera, MD, Psychiatrist.
The Brain cannot be separated from the body. The health of one’s brain depends on the overall health of the body in Sarasota FL. Unfortunately, these maxims have been lost by most of the ‘modern medical establishment.’ There are no effective treatments for any neurodegenerative conditions.
About the ARTC-Rivera Brain-Body Institute in Sarasota FL
At the ARTC-Rivera Brain-Body Institute we know the importance of overall health, proper nutrition, exercise, body structure, and the 4Ms of Microcirculation, Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Muscle (metabolic reserve) to healthy brain function.
We’ve developed a comprehensive program to help optimize brain function, repair, and regeneration. There are several top doctors working on these issues including Dale Bredesen, MD who has done, and continues to do, a remarkable job. Our mission is to build upon his work and add a few special tweaks based on our combined 70+ years of clinical experience.
The program includes testing, implementing a healthy Low-carb, mildly Ketogenic Diet with appropriate Nutritional supplementation, EWOT (exercise with oxygen training), HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), PhotoBioModulation (light therapy), Stem cells & Exosomes, appropriate Detoxification protocols (heavy metals, mold, mycotoxins, EMF, etc. as needed), Transcranial electro-magnetic stimulation, Resistance training, and Neuroplasticity support.
This is an exciting new program that continues to evolve as new research comes to light. Contact us to set up a consultation to learn more.
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
Age Reversal Technology Center
6968 Professional Pkwy E
Sarasota, FL 34240